Connecting in Isolation

By / Jessica Kirby
Editor, Sheet Metal Journal – Western Washington

Jessica Kirby

There is little one can say in a situation such as the one COVID-19 has brought to our doorstep. As print publishers we are in the business of building longevity and depth in our stories and content, and when a situation arises that changes by the hour it is impossible to keep up. The moment I write something, something else has happened. As soon as we share a piece of news, different news develops. 

However, we are in a place where the world is deeply connected in its isolation, and that is the place from which the premise of this editorial arises. Our global connections fueled the movement of COVID-19, but those same connections have provided the means to share stories, hard numbers, and strategies for containment. Governments from Italy to the United States are implementing measures to fight back, and it is because of our connections we will succeed—eventually. 

In the meantime, we as publishers are working from home but keeping the light on. Our publications are moving forward as planned, and we will continue to put the same effort and care into every bit we publish so that the material brings depth and familiarity to our readers. Some have asked if our content will reflect COVID-19 specific messaging and the answer is not unless that messsaging is enduring. Mostly, we will continue to reflect the accomplishments and challenges of the associations we represent because in times of trouble the familiar brings comfort. 

That said, our websites will be a-buzz with the latest that arises in the digital world. Keep an eye on our websites, social media, and the occasional email for the latest affecting the construction industry in the communities we serve. 

And finally, know we remain committed to our company mission to connect with and reflect the best that the construction industry in North America offers, and as you continue to build the fabric of our cities, we will continue to showcase your hard work. 

If you have questions, comments, or something you’d like us to share on your behalf, please don’t hesitate to reach out at 

Be well and stay safe. ▪