8th Edition of Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards Available

SMACNA has released the eighth edition of its Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards in accordance with best practices from the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL).

The Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards has been an industry resource for contractors since the first edition was published in 1992. First published in 1968, the manual has evolved to include industry innovations while providing contractors with the most updated information for fibrous glass duct installation and fabrication. 

The latest edition highlights new guidelines based on current practices with updates including the addition of application details for 1400 El 2” boards; revisions to tie rod reinforcement, channel system reinforcement, partial wrap-around reinforcement, and fasteners associated with the newer boards; and provisions for fittings, closures, and specifications as referenced by NAIMA and UL.

Materials, including the latest edition of the Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards, are available to order in book or PDF format. Email smacnabc@smacna-bc.org for details. ■